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About Michael Davis Associates (Osteopath)
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Michael Davis Associates (Osteopath) 's review by Julie
I visited Michael Davis when a persistent problem in my lower back continued after chiropractic care and yoga were ineffective at healing it entirely. I remain unconvinced that Davis' treatment did much to help the problem, but my main concern was his choice of discussion. At one point during the treatment, he referred to a previous client (not by name) and called her "insufferable." He then said she was the "kind of woman who either needed a hobby or to have an affair." To me, this is utterly inappropriate. It was a waste of £50 and entirely disgraceful. Also just to note - the facilities are strange as well. There is a see-through curtain at the front of the treatment room, which looks out onto a pavement and road. My advice would be to find an osteopath that behaves professionally. Davis isn't it.
Reviewed by Julie
2013-05-20 11:55:55