We will never pressurise you into having any form of surgery. On the contrary, we not only give you a free first consultation with the surgeon, but give you the opportunity to come back for a free second consultation before you go ahead.
You will meet your surgeon at the consultation, who will explain the treatment fully, answer any questions and give you clearly worded information to take away with you. These include what the surgery will involve, the costs, recovery time, and any possible side-effects. You should consider all the information carefully before going ahead.
We believe that you need to go into surgery in the right frame of mind. That means being realistic about results and being sure that this treatment is what you want. You also need to be clear that changing a feature of your looks will not solve fundamental psychological or emotional issues.
That said, the overwhelming majority of our patients are very happy with their results, and report increased confidence and self-esteem. It explains why over 63% of our patients come through personal recommendation.
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