Contact Details
49 Broadway
01702 711432
About John Sturgeon
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Latest Reviews
John Sturgeon 's review by Anon
Awful Manager, spiteful and rude!
Reviewed by Anon
2017-10-04 15:32:00 -
John Sturgeon 's review by mike77
Nice products and head massage... Quite happy with haircut...couldn't really complain as used a Groupon voucher but I wouldn't pay the rack rate here.
Reviewed by mike77
2016-11-23 12:56:09 -
John Sturgeon 's review by mike77
Nice products and head massage... Quite happy with haircut...couldn't really complain as used a Groupon voucher but I would pay but the rack rate here.
Reviewed by mike77
2016-11-23 12:55:47