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About Kavala Day Spa & Beauty Salon
I've had my legs waxed on a few occasions and always ended up with smooth skin for at least 4 weeks. But not this time. I grew my hair for almost 3 weeks before I went to Kavala just to make sure it's long enough to be easily waxed. The beautician was very nice, professional and she knew what she was doing but the fault could've been with the products. During waxing she had to use tweesers on a number of occasions and waxing was unusually painful. Next day I discovered that the wax actually did not pull the hair out but broke it near the skin so my legs were prickly like after shaving! And the following day it felt more obvious because it had grown! When I went back to Kavala and questioned it, I was told it was normal! They offered a half-leg free waxing next time but no money back! But who would like to go back there after this??!! At one point the lady admitted that the skin felt like after shaving. Never again!
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Kavala Day Spa & Beauty Salon 's review by BeautyBuff
I've got to agree with the other review and say I had exactly the same experience getting a leg wax done. Infact, I went back a second time for a wax thinking I got unlucky as their massages/facials are quite good. Same thing happened again - stubbly, horrible, waste of money.
Reviewed by BeautyBuff
2013-09-03 08:52:57