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About Slaughter House Health & Fitness Club
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Latest Reviews
Slaughter House Health & Fitness Club 's review by amanda mccluskie.
after joining this gym through a special offer in feb 2012, i found the gym at first to be of an ok standard for the price. after being diagnosed with breast cancer and asking for a hold of payments while having treatment, i was dissapointed to find that every month without fail, my payment was taken, even after being told i could put a hold on my contract. in the 14 months that myself and my husband kept going, machines were constantly out of order, even when being told the machines, just sat there with 'out of order' signs. myself and my husband have now found alternative gyms that are better looked after and the support from the gym owners. my only downside is i am still lining the pockets of this gym owner, as i dont know how to cancel my 3 year contract. :(
Reviewed by amanda mccluskie.
2013-05-15 15:42:28